Lets Look At The Numbers

Aging out of foster care isn’t easy. All of a sudden, someone is out on their own and responsible for so many things. That’s why it’s essential to equip these kids with the right tools before they age out of the system. Our goal is to give kids the tools they need to be productive members of society.

Aging out of the foster care system- Child Crisis Arizona

20 percent of foster youth will become homeless the day they age out.

  • And approximately 20,000 age out every year. That means approximately 4,000 kids per year leave foster care into homelessness.
  • Less than half of all foster youth graduate high school.
  • Half of youth who have aged out of foster care end up homeless or incarcerated.
  • 75% of young women in foster care report at least one pregnancy by age 21, compared to 33% in the general population.
  • Only 5% are proficient in math.
  • Only half of foster kids who age out of the system will have gainful employment by the age of 24.
  • These children often enter the world traumatized, alone, and with no guidance from anyone. This leaves them open for further abuse and dangerous or even deadly situations. Around 32% of all homeless young adults experience some form of assault or robbery, 14% will engage in some form of “survival sex”—whether it be in the form of prostitution or sex trafficking—and a quarter of them will end up imprisoned.


“The outcomes of law enforcement efforts against sex traffickers repeatedly support the NCMEC estimate. In a 2013 FBI 70-city nationwide raid, 60 percent of the victims came from foster care or group homes. In 2014, New York authorities estimated that 85 percent of sex trafficking victims were previously in the child welfare system”





  • Less than a 3% of children who have aged out of foster care earn a college degree at any point.
  • Despite all of the challenges, 70% of foster kids regularly say that they would like to attend college one day.

Among colleges students who had experienced foster care:

  • 81% experience food insecurity
  • 76%  experience housing insecurity
  • 38% experienced homelessness in the last 12 month

A Pathway to Change

Believe In Our Vizion Inc.

We believe every young person deserves the chance for success, and we’re working hard at making this happen.

Our only mission is to fulfill these children dreams and give me a opportunity and a voice.

“We have to stand up for our children Future, we have to speak up for our children future, we have to fight for our children future, because if we don’t fight for our children future’s we can’t expect anyone else to fight for their future!!” –Attorney Ben Crump


Imagine living part of your childhood in a system … moving from home to home … you’re floating and never finding a safe place to land. Then you age out of that system, you are too old to stay and not quite ready to go. You are no longer floating but instead free falling into the unknown.




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